"They call me Mrs. K"

Sherry-Lynne sitting outside ready to teach with yoga mats, a colourful model of the brain, and posters that show mindfulness lessons

Meet Sherry-Lynne Kirschner, an award-winning elementary school teacher who founded Mindful Me after 27 years of teaching, research, travel, personal growth, and professional training. As someone who was raised by teachers herself, Sherry-Lynne had a penchant for teaching with integrity while also finding the gift inside the child. She nurtures positive core values in children and teaches them how to see their own hearts, often saying to them, “I wish you could see yourself the way that I see you.” 

       In her first few years of teaching, Sherry-Lynne noticed that if she really listened to kids she could earn their trust. She also knew that children needed to trust before they could learn. This motivated her to further her understanding of what made kids sometimes behave the way they did and to find a way to develop meaningful connections with them. Her aptitude for connecting with people was recognized by her colleagues who often said that the children who entered her classroom experienced something transformative because when they left, they seemed ‘softer’ and more comfortable in their own skin, as if they had a greater understanding of themselves.

       Even though she dedicated herself to teaching, it was never her intention to stay in the classroom. As a child her dream was to train horses and she always believed that one day she would also be working with animals. In 1994, Sherry-Lynne and her husband Sam partnered with their extended families to open a summer recreational camp where they also delivered leadership programs for the board of education. This life experience showed Sherry-Lynne the affect that nature and animals could have on children and how it influenced their behaviour and development. It helped create a new way of being in the classroom and formed the basis of her relationship with one of the owners at Circle R Ranch where she continues to offer programming today. Now, as a retired teacher and a parent to adult children, she continues to collaborate with school boards across the country to mentor teachers, advise on mindfulness-based curriculum, and facilitate animal assisted programming inside and outside of the classroom.

       Through her work in schools, camps, and leadership centres around the world, Sherry-Lynne has built lifelong relationships, touching the lives of thousands of children and their parents. She truly believes that everyone has the capacity to lead a happy, balanced, and peaceful life. In the spirit of gratitude, Sherry-Lynne would like to acknowledge the many parents, educators, psychologists, psychotherapists, camp counsellors, neurobiologists and meditation teachers with whom she has had the opportunity to learn and collaborate. 

Sheery-Lynne's graduation photo



Graduated with a Bachelor of Education from Western University (B.A. & B.Ed.)

Illustrated flag of Twin Valleys



Established and directed Twin Valleys Summer Recreational Camp and Outdoor Education and Leadership Centre

Folder with emblem of Canada and signed certificate



Received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence

Group of children and teachers outside a school in China



Research and mission trip to share resources and observe social-emotional wellness and mindfulness programs at schools

The road to Omega



Omega Centre training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR Teacher)

Sheery-Lynne in a downward dog while her daughter does a back bend and rests her feet of her mother's hips



Completed Yoga Teacher Training and Children's Yoga Teacher Training (RYT)

Sheery-Lynne speaking with parents and educators



Facilitated Mindful Family Connections with parents and staff at the International School of Kuala Lampur

Icon of a brain with heart shapes around it



Certified as an Emotional Intelligence Instructor 

"They call me Mrs. K"

Sherry-Lynne sitting outside ready to teach with yoga mats, a colourful model of the brain, and posters that show mindfulness lessons

Meet Sherry-Lynne Kirschner, an award-winning elementary school teacher who founded Mindful Me after 27 years of teaching, research, travel, personal growth, and professional training. As someone who was raised by teachers herself, Sherry-Lynne had a penchant for teaching with integrity while also finding the gift inside the child. She nurtures positive core values in children and teaches them how to see their own hearts, often saying to them, “I wish you could see yourself the way that I see you.” 

       In her first few years of teaching, Sherry-Lynne noticed that if she really listened to kids she could earn their trust. She also knew that children needed to trust before they could learn. This motivated her to further her understanding of what made kids sometimes behave the way they did and to find a way to develop meaningful connections with them. Her aptitude for connecting with people was recognized by her colleagues who often said that the children who entered her classroom experienced something transformative because when they left, they seemed ‘softer’ and more comfortable in their own skin, as if they had a greater understanding of themselves.

       Even though she dedicated herself to teaching, it was never her intention to stay in the classroom. As a child her dream was to train horses and she always believed that one day she would also be working with animals. In 1994, Sherry-Lynne and her husband Sam partnered with their extended families to open a summer recreational camp where they also delivered leadership programs for the board of education. This life experience showed Sherry-Lynne the affect that nature and animals could have on children and how it influenced their behaviour and development. It helped create a new way of being in the classroom and formed the basis of her relationship with one of the owners at Circle R Ranch where she continues to offer programming today. Now, as a retired teacher and a parent to adult children, she continues to collaborate with school boards across the country to mentor teachers, advise on mindfulness-based curriculum, and facilitate animal assisted programming inside and outside of the classroom.

       Through her work in schools, camps, and leadership centres around the world, Sherry-Lynne has built lifelong relationships, touching the lives of thousands of children and their parents. She truly believes that everyone has the capacity to lead a happy, balanced, and peaceful life. In the spirit of gratitude, Sherry-Lynne would like to acknowledge the many parents, educators, psychologists, psychotherapists, camp counsellors, neurobiologists and meditation teachers with whom she has had the opportunity to learn and collaborate. 

Sherry-Lynne's graduation photo



Graduated with a Bachelor of Education from Western University (B.A. & B.Ed.)

Illustrated flag of Twin Valleys



Established and directed Twin Valleys Summer Recreational Camp and Outdoor Education and Leadership Centre

Folder with emblem of Canada and signed certificate



Received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence

Group of children and teachers at school in China



Research and mission trip to share resources and observe social-emotional wellness and mindfulness programs at schools

The road to Omega



Omega Centre training in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR Teacher)

Sherry-Lynne in downward dog with her daughter doing a back bend and resting her feet on her mother's hips



Completed Yoga Teacher Training and Children's Yoga Teacher Training (RYT)

Sheery-Lynne speaking with parents and educators



Facilitated Mindful Family Connections with parents and staff at the International School of Kuala Lampur

Icon of brain with heart shapes around it



Certified as an Emotional Intelligence Instructor 

Sherry-Lynne's story about Mindful Me

Mindful Me is the result of something that redefined my life at the age of 39. Some say that big things in life happen as a wake up call and that couldn’t be more true for my story. The life of a teacher can be demanding; many of us end up working ourselves into a state of poor health. In the years leading up to 2006, my body had been whispering to me but I wasn’t listening. Finally, my health had declined to the point where I had no choice but to take a medical leave. I responded to these health challenges by attending the Kushi Institute where I learned how to use mindfulness meditation to help me heal. And when I returned to the classroom, I brought what I had learned with me.

       In 2008, I piloted my first mindfulness program, which I called Attention in Action. This program encouraged present moment awareness through mindful movement, sensory activities, heart-centered visualizations and guided meditations designed for 3-11 year olds. Not long afterward, teacher wellness became important to me as I was witnessing compassion exhaustion among my colleagues. That is why I established the Empowering Educators group to support teachers. Whenever anyone asks me how to teach mindfulness to children, my response is always the same: we begin with ourselves. In my opinion, the determining factor for success in facilitating a mindfulness program with children is whether or not the facilitator has established and continues to maintain a personal mindfulness practice.

       In the years subsequent to my pilot project, my classroom became a fishbowl for exploring a new way of teaching. We were pioneers in bridging mindfulness with public education. Our school acted as a centre where the Thames Valley District School Board would send people to watch me teach, after which they often joined our Share a Mindful Moment group to continue with the integration of mindfulness in the classroom.

       Once I founded Mindful Me in 2016, things really started to take root. By then mindfulness for kids had started to work its way into the mainstream conversation and more research had become available. I developed evidence-based programming for kids, teachers, and families. I expanded partnerships with school boards, homeschoolers, and community networks. And when the pandemic hit in 2020, I was well equipped to reach a broader community online. It was a blessing to have the tools to support families during that time as the need for mental health support grew so rapidly.

       It was in 2017, amidst all this excitement in our mindful community, when the children in my class put out the call for a mindfulness champion. We named him Marvin the Mindful Marmot and together we created something that grew into a series of children's books and activity guides for a social-emotional and mindfulness curriculum. You can visit Marvin and his Mindful Mates to learn more!


Outdoor children's yoga class with kids on their mats and the teacher standing with a meditation bowl

Created and piloted the first mindfulness program in schools called Attention in Action


Sheery-Lynne delivering a talk with a slide of a horse in the background

Established Share a Mindful Moment group to train educators in schools


Mindful Me icon of human figure standing in tree pose with roots for feet and leaves growing out from the top of their arms

Mindful Me is officially registered as a business in Ontario


Cover of the book Marvin the Mindful Marmot

First children's book is published: Marvin the Mindful Marmot


young girl holding a bunny

Official launch of Animal Assisted Mindfulness Programs, in the classroom and at Circle R Ranch.


young boy wearing a mask and showing affection to a horse by nuzzling with him

New mindfulness programs for children, teens and adults, provincially funded through Health Nexus


Cover of the curriculum guide

First publication of Social-Emotional and Mindfulness Curriculum Program Guide for teachers, parents, & homeschoolers 

Mindful Me is the result of something that redefined my life at the age of 39. Some say that big things in life happen as a wake up call and that couldn’t be more true for my story. The life of a teacher can be demanding; many of us end up working ourselves into a state of poor health. In the years leading up to 2006, my body had been whispering to me but I wasn’t listening. Finally, my health had declined to the point where I had no choice but to take a medical leave. I responded to these health challenges by attending the Kushi Institute where I learned how to use mindfulness meditation to help me heal. And when I returned to the classroom, I brought what I had learned with me.

       In 2008, I piloted my first mindfulness program, which I called Attention in Action. This program encouraged present moment awareness through mindful movement, sensory activities, heart-centered visualizations and guided meditations designed for 3-11 year olds. Not long afterward, teacher wellness became important to me as I was witnessing compassion exhaustion among my colleagues. That is why I established the Empowering Educators group to support teachers. Whenever anyone asks me how to teach mindfulness to children, my response is always the same: we begin with ourselves. In my opinion, the determining factor for success in facilitating a mindfulness program with children is whether or not the facilitator has established and continues to maintain a personal mindfulness practice.

       In the years subsequent to my pilot project, my classroom became a fishbowl for exploring a new way of teaching. We were pioneers in bridging mindfulness with public education. Our school acted as a centre where the Thames Valley District School Board would send people to watch me teach, after which they often joined our Share a Mindful Moment group to continue with the integration of mindfulness in the classroom.

       Once I founded Mindful Me in 2016, things really started to take root. By then mindfulness for kids had started to work its way into the mainstream conversation and more research had become available. I developed evidence-based programming for kids, teachers, and families. I expanded partnerships with school boards, homeschoolers, and community networks. And when the pandemic hit in 2020, I was well equipped to reach a broader community online. It was a blessing to have the tools to support families during that time as the need for mental health support grew so rapidly.

       It was in 2017, amidst all this excitement in our mindful community, when the children in my class put out the call for a mindfulness champion. We named him Marvin the Mindful Marmot and together we created something that grew into a series of children's books and activity guides for a social-emotional and mindfulness curriculum. You can visit Marvin and his Mindful Mates to learn more!

Outdoor children's yoga class with kids laying on their mats and the teacher standing with a meditation bowl


Created and piloted the first mindfulness program in schools called Attention in Action

Sherry-Lynne delivering a talk with a slide of a horse in the background


Established Share a Mindful Moment group to train educators in schools

Mindful Me world icon overlayed by human figure doing tree pose


Mindful Me is officially registered as a business in Ontario

Cover of the book Marvin the Mindful Marmot


First children's book is published: Marvin the Mindful Marmot

Young girl holding bunny


Official launch of Animal Assisted Mindfulness Programs, in the classroom and at Circle R Ranch.

Young boy wearing a mask and giving a horse some positing attention by nuzzling with him


New mindfulness programs for children, teens and adults, provincially funded through Health Nexus

Curriculum activity guides


First publication of Social-Emotional and Mindfulness Curriculum Program Guide for teachers, parents, and homeschoolers 

Mindful Me is the result of something that redefined my life at the age of 39. Some say that big things in life happen as a wake up call and that couldn’t be more true for my story. The life of a teacher can be demanding; many of us end up working ourselves into a state of poor health. In the years leading up to 2006, my body had been whispering to me but I wasn’t listening. Finally, my health had declined to the point where I had no choice but to take a medical leave. I responded to these health challenges by attending the Kushi Institute where I learned how to use mindfulness meditation to help me heal. And when I returned to the classroom, I brought what I had learned with me.

       In 2008, I piloted my first mindfulness program, which I called Attention in Action. This program encouraged present moment awareness through mindful movement, sensory activities, heart-centered visualizations and guided meditations designed for 3-11 year olds. Not long afterward, teacher wellness became important to me as I was witnessing compassion exhaustion among my colleagues. That is why I established the Empowering Educators group to support teachers. Whenever anyone asks me how to teach mindfulness to children, my response is always the same: we begin with ourselves. In my opinion, the determining factor for success in facilitating a mindfulness program with children is whether or not the facilitator has established and continues to maintain a personal mindfulness practice.

       In the years subsequent to my pilot project, my classroom became a fishbowl for exploring a new way of teaching. We were pioneers in bridging mindfulness with public education. Our school acted as a centre where the Thames Valley District School Board would send people to watch me teach, after which they often joined our Share a Mindful Moment group to continue with the integration of mindfulness in the classroom.

       Once I founded Mindful Me in 2016, things really started to take root. By then mindfulness for kids had started to work its way into the mainstream conversation and more research had become available. I developed evidence-based programming for kids, teachers, and families. I expanded partnerships with school boards, homeschoolers, and community networks. And when the pandemic hit in 2020, I was well equipped to reach a broader community online. It was a blessing to have the tools to support families during that time as the need for mental health support grew so rapidly.

       It was in 2017, amidst all this excitement in our mindful community, when the children in my class put out the call for a mindfulness champion. We named him Marvin the Mindful Marmot and together we created something that grew into a series of children's books and activity guides for a social-emotional and mindfulness curriculum. You can visit Marvin and his Mindful Mates to learn more!


Outdoor children's yoga class with kids on mats and teaching standing with a meditation bowl

Created and piloted the first mindfulness program in schools called Attention in Action


Sherry-Lynne delivering a talk with a slide of a horse in the background

Established Share a Mindful Moment group to train educators in schools


Mindful Me icon of a human shape standing in tree pose with roots for feet and leaves growing out from the top of their arms

Mindful Me is officially registered as a business in Ontario


Cover of the book Marvin the Mindful Marmot

First children's book is published: Marvin the Mindful Marmot


young girl holding a bunny

Official launch of Animal Assisted Mindfulness Programs, in the classroom and at Circle R Ranch.


young boy wearing a mask and showing a horse affection by nuzzling with it

New mindfulness programs for children, teens and adults, provincially funded through Health Nexus


Cover of the curriculum guide

First publication of Social-Emotional and Mindfulness Curriculum Program Guide for teachers, parents, and homeschoolers 

numbers that make us happy


Children have participated in Mindful Me programs


Countries are part of the Mindful Me network

(8 and growing!)


Animals have been Mindful Mentors (horses, ponies, rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, and 1 pig)


Families supported in Ontario through programs sponsored by Health Nexus

numbers that make us happy


Children have participated in Mindful Me programs


Countries are part of the Mindful Me network

(8 and growing!)


Animals have been Mindful Mentors (horses, ponies, rabbits, chickens, goats, sheep, and 1 pig)


Families supported in Ontario through programs sponsored by Health Nexus

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