The simple act of focusing on the senses can have such a powerful impact on calming the busyness and distraction of the mind and body. Spending time in this cultured focus and within an animal’s energy field can increase feelings of wellness and peace. Time and time again, I have observed kid’s squeals and rapid movements grow quieter and quieter within the peaceful energetic field of a horse and yet the changes continue to astound me. I watched the exchange with “Granny Niblet” proceed with one child leaning in and wrapping her arms around the pony’s barrel, inhaling her scent and relaxing her whole body into the warm embrace. Others followed and the pony sighed deeply in response. In just a few moments these bubbly excited Mindful Pals were transformed into calm, grounded and open-hearted individuals. We finished the lesson with them whispering remnants of any worries that were still visiting their hearts and with a final “gratitude breath” the pony pals were on their way ready to tackle the challenges of the week ahead with brains, bodies and hearts still feeling the impact of their animal encounter. Their homework was to practice this “sensory walk” with a stuffed animal or pet at home and share “their noticings” in the week following. As they waved good-bye, we smiled at one of the comments to their parents, “You should see my homework this week….I just gotta hug Ralphie!” I highly recommend this strategy for fostering effective emotional regulation skills in children.